Song of Solomon 4

Solomon Admires His Bride’s Beauty


1Behold, ayou are beautiful, my love,
behold, you are beautiful!
bYour eyes are doves
cbehind your veil.
dYour hair is like a flock of goats
leaping down ethe slopes of Gilead.
2Your fteeth are like a flock of shorn ewes
that have come up from the washing,
all of which bear twins,
and not one among them has lost its young.
3Your lips are like ga scarlet thread,
and your mouth is hlovely.
Your icheeks are like halves of a pomegranate
jbehind your veil.
4Your kneck is like the tower of David,
built in lrows of stone;
The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain

on it nhang a thousand shields,
all of othem shields of warriors.
5Your ptwo breasts are like two qfawns,
twins of a gazelle,
that rgraze among the lilies.
6 sUntil the day breathes
and the shadows flee,
I will go away to the mountain of tmyrrh
and the hill of ufrankincense.
7 vYou are altogether beautiful, my love;
there is no wflaw in you.
8 xCome with me from yLebanon, my zbride;
come with me from aaLebanon.
Or Look
from the peak of Amana,
from the peak of acSenir and adHermon,
from the dens of lions,
from the mountains of leopards.
9You have captivated my heart, my aesister, my bride;
you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes,
with one afjewel of your necklace.
10How beautiful is your love, my agsister, my bride!
How much ahbetter is your love than wine,
and aithe fragrance of your oils than any spice!
11Your ajlips drip nectar, my bride;
akhoney and milk are under your tongue;
the fragrance of your garments is allike the fragrance of amLebanon.
12A garden locked is my ansister, my bride,
a spring locked, aoa fountain apsealed.
13Your shoots are aqan orchard of pomegranates
with all archoicest fruits,
ashenna with atnard,
14nard and saffron, aucalamus and avcinnamon,
with all trees of awfrankincense,
axmyrrh and ayaloes,
with all azchoice spices
15a garden fountain, a well of baliving water,
and flowing streams from bbLebanon.
16Awake, O north wind,
and come, O south wind!
Blow upon my bcgarden,
let its spices flow.

Together in the Garden of Love


bdLet my beloved come to his begarden,
and eat its bfchoicest fruits.
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