‏ Psalms 82

1A Psalme committed to Aspah. God standeth in the assemblie of gods: hee iudgeth among gods.

2How long wil ye iudge vniustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3Doe right to the poore and fatherlesse: doe iustice to the poore and needie.

4Deliuer the poore and needie: saue them from the hand of the wicked.

5They knowe not and vnderstand nothing: they walke in darkenes, albeit all the foundations of the earth be mooued.

6I haue said, Ye are gods, and ye all are children of the most High.

7But ye shall die as a man, and yee princes, shall fall like others.

8O God, arise, therefore iudge thou the earth: for thou shalt inherite all nations.

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