Ezra 2:8

Parosh’s descendants a2,172
(4) Shephatiah’s descendants372
(5) Arah’s descendants775
(6) Pahath-moab’s descendants:
Jeshua’s and Joab’s descendants2,812
(7) Elam’s descendants1,254
(8) Zattu’s descendants945
(9) Zaccai’s descendants760
(10) Bani’s descendants642
(11) Bebai’s descendants623
(12) Azgad’s descendants1,222
(13) Adonikam’s descendants b666
(14) Bigvai’s descendants2,056
(15) Adin’s descendants454
(16) Ater’s descendants: of Hezekiah98
(17) Bezai’s descendants323
(18) Jorah’s descendants112
(19) Hashum’s descendants223
(20) Gibbar’s descendants95
(21) Bethlehem’s c people123
(22) Netophah’s men56
(23) Anathoth’s men128
(24) Azmaveth’s people42
(25) Kiriatharim’s, Chephirah’s, and Beeroth’s people743
(26) Ramah’s d and Geba’s people621
(27) Michmas’s men122
(28) Bethel’s and Ai’s e men223
(29) Nebo’s people52
(30) Magbish’s people156
(31) the other Elam’s people1,254
(32) Harim’s people320
(33) Lod’s, Hadid’s, and Ono’s people725
(34) Jericho’s f people345
(35) Senaah’s people3,630

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