‏ John 1:14

14 The Word a became flesh
The eternally existent Word (vv. 1-2) took on full humanity but without sin; Heb 4:15.
and took up residence
Or and dwelt in a tent; lit and tabernacled; this word occurs only here in John. A related word, referring to the Festival of Tabernacles, occurs only in 7:2; Ex 40:34-38.
among us.
We observed His glory, e
the glory as the
One and Only: Or one of a kind, or incomparable, or only begotten; the Greek word can refer to someone's only child such as in Lk 7:12; 8:42; 9:38. It can also refer to someone's special child as in Heb 11:17.
One and Only g Son
Son is implied from the reference to the Father and from Gk usage.
from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
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