Psalms 133
Living in Harmony
1A Davidic ▼▼song of ascents: Probably the songs pilgrims sang as they traveled the roads going up to worship in Jerusalem; Pss 120-134
song of ascents. How good and pleasant it iswhen brothers live together in harmony! b
2 It is like fine oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down Aaron’s beard
onto his robes. c
3 It is like the dew of Hermon ▼
▼The tallest mountain in the region, noted for its abundant precipitation
falling on the mountains of ▼
▼Zion: Originally a term for the fortified section of Jerusalem and then, by extension, used for the temple and the city of Jerusalem both in the present time and in the future
Zion. fFor there the Lord has appointed the blessing –
life forevermore. g
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