Psalms 33
Praise to the Creator
1 Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous ones;praise from the upright is beautiful. a
2 Praise the Lord with the lyre;
make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp. b
3 Sing a new song to Him; c
play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout. d
4 For the word of the Lord is right,
and all His work is trustworthy. e
5 He loves righteousness and justice; f
the earth is full of the Lord’s unfailing love. g
6 The heavens were made by the word of the Lord, h
and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth. i
7 He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap; ▼
▼LXX, Tg, Syr, Vg, Jer read sea as in a bottle
He puts the depths into storehouses. k
8 Let the whole earth tremble before the Lord;
let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. l
9 For He spoke, and it came into being;
He commanded, and it came into existence. m
10 The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations;
He thwarts the plans of the peoples. n
11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
the plans of His heart from generation to generation. o
12 Happy is the nation whose God is ▼
▼Yahweh/Yah: Or The Lord; the personal name of God in Hebrew; "Yah" is the shortened form of the name.
Yahweh – the people He has chosen to be His own possession! q
13 The Lord looks down from heaven;
He observes everyone. r
14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth
from His dwelling place. s
15 He alone shapes their hearts;
He considers all their works. t
16 A king is not saved by a large army;
a warrior will not be delivered by great strength. u
17 The horse is a false hope for safety;
it provides no escape by its great power. v
18 Now the eye of the Lord is on those who ▼
▼fear(s) God or the Lord/ the fear of the Lord: No single English word conveys every aspect of the word fear in this phrase. The meaning includes worshipful submission, reverential awe, and obedient respect to the covenant-keeping God of Israel.
fear Him – those who depend on His faithful love x
19 to deliver them from death
and to keep them alive in famine. y
20 We wait for Yahweh; z
He is our help and shield. aa
21 For our hearts rejoice in Him ab
because we trust in His holy name. ac
22 May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh,
for we put our hope in You. ad
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