‏ Psalms 80

A Prayer for Restoration

1For the choir director: according to “The Lilies.”
Possibly a tune; Pss 45; 60; 69
A testimony of
Asaph: A musician appointed by David to oversee the music used in worship at the Temple; 12 psalms are attributed to Asaph.
Asaph. c A psalm.

Listen, Shepherd of Israel,
who leads Joseph like a flock; d
You who sit enthroned on the
cherubim: A class of winged angels, associated with the throne of God, who function as guardians and who prevented Adam and Eve from returning to the garden of Eden
cherubim, f
rise up g
2 before Ephraim,
Benjamin, and Manasseh.
This is the marching order for the camp of Israel.
Rally Your power and come to save us. j
3 Restore us, God;
look on us with favor,
and we will be saved. k

4 Lord God of
Hosts/hosts: Military forces consisting of God's angels, sometimes including the sun, moon, and stars, and occasionally, Israel
how long will You be angry
with Your people’s prayers? m
5 You fed them the bread of tears
and gave them a full measure
Lit a one-third measure

of tears to drink. o
6 You make us quarrel with our neighbors;
our enemies make fun of us. p
7 Restore us, God of Hosts;
look on us with favor, and we will be saved. q

8 You uprooted a vine from Egypt;
You drove out the nations and planted it. r
9 You cleared a place for it;
it took root and filled the land. s
10 The mountains were covered by its shade,
and the mighty cedars
Lit the cedars of God
with its branches. u
11 It sent out sprouts toward the Sea
= the Mediterranean

and shoots toward the River.
= the Euphrates

12 Why have You broken down its walls
so that all who pass by pick its fruit? y
13 The boar from the forest tears it
and creatures of the field feed on it. z
14 Return, God of Hosts. aa
Look down from heaven and see;
take care of this vine,
15 the root
Hb obscure
Your right hand has planted,
the shoot
Or son
that You made strong for Yourself. ad
16 It was cut down and burned up;
Lit burned with fire

Or may they
perish at the rebuke of Your countenance. ag
17 Let Your hand be with the man at Your right hand,
with the son of man
You have made strong for Yourself. ah
18 Then we will not turn away from You;
revive us, and we will call on Your name. ai
19 Restore us,
Yahweh/Yah: Or The Lord; the personal name of God in Hebrew; "Yah" is the shortened form of the name.
Yahweh, the God of Hosts; ak
look on us with favor, and we will be saved. al
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