247 verses

Gen 2:25

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Gen 8:7

and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.
and sent forth a raven. It went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth.

Gen 8:14

By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry.

In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth had dried out.

Exod 32:1

When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered round Aaron and said, ‘Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.’

When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, “Up, make us gods who shall go before us. As for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.”

Num 12:14

The Lord replied to Moses, ‘If her father had spat in her face, would she not have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back.’
But the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be shamed seven days? Let her be shut outside the camp seven days, and after that she may be brought in again.”

Josh 2:10

We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.
For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you devoted to destruction.

Josh 4:23

For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The Lord your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over.
For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over,

Josh 5:1

Now when all the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over, their hearts melted in fear and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites.

As soon as all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan for the people of Israel until they had crossed over, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel.

Josh 9:5

They put worn and patched sandals on their feet and wore old clothes. All the bread of their food supply was dry and mouldy.
with worn-out, patched sandals on their feet, and worn-out clothes. And all their provisions were dry and crumbly.

Josh 9:12

This bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to come to you. But now see how dry and mouldy it is.
Here is our bread. It was still warm when we took it from our houses as our food for the journey on the day we set out to come to you, but now, behold, it is dry and crumbly.

Judg 3:25

They waited to the point of embarrassment, but when he did not open the doors of the room, they took a key and unlocked them. There they saw their lord fallen to the floor, dead.

And they waited till they were embarrassed. But when he still did not open the doors of the roof chamber, they took the key and opened them, and there lay their lord dead on the floor.

Judg 5:28

‘Through the window peered Sisera’s mother;
behind the lattice she cried out,
“Why is his chariot so long in coming?
Why is the clatter of his chariots delayed?”
Out of the window she peered,
the mother of Sisera wailed through the lattice:
Why is his chariot so long in coming?
Why tarry the hoofbeats of his chariots?’

Judg 18:7

So the five men left and came to Laish, where they saw that the people were living in safety, like the Sidonians, at peace and secure. And since their land lacked nothing, they were prosperous. Also, they lived a long way from the Sidonians and had no relationship with anyone else.

Then the five men departed and came to Laish and saw the people who were there, how they lived in security, after the manner of the Sidonians, quiet and unsuspecting, lacking nothing that is in the earth and possessing wealth, and how they were far from the Sidonians and had no dealings with anyone.

Ruth 2:15

As she got up to glean, Boaz gave orders to his men, ‘Let her gather among the sheaves and don’t reprimand her.
When she rose to glean, Boaz instructed his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her.

1Sam 20:30

Saul’s anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him, ‘You son of a perverse and rebellious woman! Don’t I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of the mother who bore you?
Then Saul’s anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman, do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness?

1Sam 20:34

Jonathan got up from the table in fierce anger; on that second day of the feast he did not eat, because he was grieved at his father’s shameful treatment of David.

And Jonathan rose from the table in fierce anger and ate no food the second day of the month, for he was grieved for David, because his father had disgraced him.

1Sam 25:7

‘“Now I hear that it is sheep-shearing time. When your shepherds were with us, we did not ill-treat them, and the whole time they were at Carmel nothing of theirs was missing.
I hear that you have shearers. Now your shepherds have been with us, and we did them no harm, and they missed nothing all the time they were in Carmel.

1Sam 25:15

Yet these men were very good to us. They did not ill-treat us, and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing.
Yet the men were very good to us, and we suffered no harm, and we did not miss anything when we were in the fields, as long as we went with them.

2Sam 10:5

When David was told about this, he sent messengers to meet the men, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, ‘Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back.’

When it was told David, he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, “Remain at Jericho until your beards have grown and then return.”

2Sam 19:3

The men stole into the city that day as men steal in who are ashamed when they flee from battle.
And the people stole into the city that day as people steal in who are ashamed when they flee in battle.

2Sam 19:5

Then Joab went into the house to the king and said, ‘Today you have humiliated all your men, who have just saved your life and the lives of your sons and daughters and the lives of your wives and concubines.
Then Joab came into the house to the king and said, “You have today covered with shame the faces of all your servants, who have this day saved your life and the lives of your sons and your daughters and the lives of your wives and your concubines,

1Kgs 13:4

When King Jeroboam heard what the man of God cried out against the altar at Bethel, he stretched out his hand from the altar and said, ‘Seize him!’ But the hand he stretched out towards the man shrivelled up, so that he could not pull it back.
And when the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar at Bethel, Jeroboam stretched out his hand from the altar, saying, “Seize him.” And his hand, which he stretched out against him, dried up, so that he could not draw it back to himself.

1Kgs 17:7

Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.
And after a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

2Kgs 2:17

But they persisted until he was too embarrassed to refuse. So he said, ‘Send them.’ And they sent fifty men, who searched for three days but did not find him.
But when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, “Send.” They sent therefore fifty men. And for three days they sought him but did not find him.

2Kgs 8:11

He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael was embarrassed. Then the man of God began to weep.

And he fixed his gaze and stared at him, until he was embarrassed. And the man of God wept.

2Kgs 19:26

Their people, drained of power,
are dismayed and put to shame.
They are like plants in the field,
like tender green shoots,
like grass sprouting on the roof,
scorched before it grows up.
while their inhabitants, shorn of strength,
are dismayed and confounded,
and have become like plants of the field
and like tender grass,
like grass on the housetops,
blighted before it is grown.

1Chr 19:5

When someone came and told David about the men, he sent messengers to meet them, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, ‘Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back.’

and they departed. When David was told concerning the men, he sent messengers to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, “Remain at Jericho until your beards have grown and then return.”

2Chr 30:15

They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and the Levites were ashamed and consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the temple of the Lord.
And they slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. And the priests and the Levites were ashamed, so that they consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings into the house of the Lord.

2Chr 32:21

And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the commanders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king. So he withdrew to his own land in disgrace. And when he went into the temple of his god, some of his sons, his own flesh and blood, cut him down with the sword.

And the Lord sent an angel, who cut off all the mighty warriors and commanders and officers in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he came into the house of his god, some of his own sons struck him down there with the sword.

Ezra 8:22

I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, ‘The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.’
For I was ashamed to ask the king for a band of soldiers and horsemen to protect us against the enemy on our way, since we had told the king, “The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him.”

Ezra 9:6

and prayed:

‘I am too ashamed and disgraced, my God, to lift up my face to you, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens.

“O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift my face to you, my God, for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens.

Ezra 9:7

From the days of our ancestors until now, our guilt has been great. Because of our sins, we and our kings and our priests have been subjected to the sword and captivity, to pillage and humiliation at the hand of foreign kings, as it is today.

From the days of our fathers to this day we have been in great guilt. And for our iniquities we, our kings, and our priests have been given into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, to plundering, and to utter shame, as it is today.

Job 6:20

They are distressed, because they had been confident;
they arrive there, only to be disappointed.
They are ashamed because they were confident;
they come there and are disappointed.

Job 8:12

While still growing and uncut,
they wither more quickly than grass.
While yet in flower and not cut down,
they wither before any other plant.

Job 8:22

Your enemies will be clothed in shame,
and the tents of the wicked will be no more.’
Those who hate you will be clothed with shame,
and the tent of the wicked will be no more.”

Job 11:3

Will your idle talk reduce others to silence?
Will no one rebuke you when you mock?
Should your babble silence men,
and when you mock, shall no one shame you?

Job 12:15

If he holds back the waters, there is drought;
if he lets them loose, they devastate the land.
If he withholds the waters, they dry up;
if he sends them out, they overwhelm the land.

Job 14:11

As the water of a lake dries up
or a river bed becomes parched and dry,
As waters fail from a lake
and a river wastes away and dries up,

Job 15:30

He will not escape the darkness;
a flame will wither his shoots,
and the breath of God’s mouth will carry him away.
he will not depart from darkness;
the flame will dry up his shoots,
and by the breath of his mouth he will depart.

Job 18:16

His roots dry up below
and his branches wither above.
His roots dry up beneath,
and his branches wither above.

Job 19:3

Ten times now you have reproached me;
shamelessly you attack me.
These ten times you have cast reproach upon me;
are you not ashamed to wrong me?

Ps 6:10

All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish;
they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.
All my enemies shall be ashamed and greatly troubled;
they shall turn back and be put to shame in a moment.

Ps 14:6

You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor,
but the Lord is their refuge.
You would shame the plans of the poor,
but the Lord is his refuge.

Ps 22:5

To you they cried out and were saved;
in you they trusted and were not put to shame.
To you they cried and were rescued;
in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

Ps 22:15

My mouth is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;
you lay me in the dust of death.
my strength is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to my jaws;
you lay me in the dust of death.

Ps 25:2

I trust in you;
do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.
O my God, in you I trust;
let me not be put to shame;
let not my enemies exult over me.

Ps 25:3

No one who hopes in you
will ever be put to shame,
but shame will come on those
who are treacherous without cause.
Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame;
they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.

Ps 25:20

Guard my life and rescue me;
do not let me be put to shame,
for I take refuge in you.
Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me!
Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.


For the director of music. A psalm of David.


To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

Ps 31:1

In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame;
deliver me in your righteousness.
In you, O Lord, do I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame;
in your righteousness deliver me!

Ps 31:17

Let me not be put to shame, Lord,
for I have cried out to you;
but let the wicked be put to shame
and be silent in the realm of the dead.
O Lord, let me not be put to shame,
for I call upon you;
let the wicked be put to shame;
let them go silently to Sheol.

Ps 34:5

Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.

Ps 35:4

May those who seek my life
be disgraced and put to shame;
may those who plot my ruin
be turned back in dismay.
Let them be put to shame and dishonor
who seek after my life!
Let them be turned back and disappointed
who devise evil against me!

Ps 35:26

May all who gloat over my distress
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who exalt themselves over me
be clothed with shame and disgrace.
Let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether
who rejoice at my calamity!
Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
who magnify themselves against me!

Ps 37:19

In times of disaster they will not wither;
in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.
they are not put to shame in evil times;
in the days of famine they have abundance.

Ps 40:14

May all who want to take my life
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who desire my ruin
be turned back in disgrace.
Let those be put to shame and disappointed altogether
who seek to snatch away my life;
let those be turned back and brought to dishonor
who delight in my hurt!

Ps 40:15

May those who say to me, ‘Aha! Aha!’
be appalled at their own shame.
Let those be appalled because of their shame
who say to me, “Aha, Aha!”

Ps 44:7

but you give us victory over our enemies,
you put our adversaries to shame.
But you have saved us from our foes
and have put to shame those who hate us.

Ps 44:9

But now you have rejected and humbled us;
you no longer go out with our armies.
But you have rejected us and disgraced us
and have not gone out with our armies.

Ps 44:15

I live in disgrace all day long,
and my face is covered with shame
All day long my disgrace is before me,
and shame has covered my face

Ps 53:5

But there they are, overwhelmed with dread,
where there was nothing to dread.
God scattered the bones of those who attacked you;
you put them to shame, for God despised them.
There they are, in great terror,
where there is no terror!
For God scatters the bones of him who encamps against you;
you put them to shame, for God has rejected them.
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