Gen 3: 16

To the woman he said,

‘I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
with painful labour you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.’
To the woman he said,

“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
in pain you shall bring forth children.
Your desire shall be contrary to your husband,
but he shall rule over you.”

Ruth 4: 13

So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.
So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife. And he went in to her, and the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son.

Hos 9: 11

Ephraim’s glory will fly away like a bird –
no birth, no pregnancy, no conception.
Ephraim’s glory shall fly away like a bird
no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!
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