By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.’
By the
sweat of your
faceyou shall
eat bread,
till you
return to the
for out
of it you were
you are
to dust you shall
He named him Noah and said, ‘He will comfort us in the labour and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the
Lord has cursed.’
called his
name Noah,
saying, “
Out of the
ground that the
Lord has
cursed, this
one shall bring us
relief from our
work and from the
painful toil of our
Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
And the
Lord regretted that he had
made man on the
earth, and it
grieved him
to his heart.
So the
Lord said, ‘I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created – and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground – for I regret that I have made them.’
So the
Lord said, “I will
blot out man whom I have
created from the
face of the
man and animals and
creeping things and
birds of the
for I am
sorry that I have
made them.”
The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down,
and the
waters receded from the
earth continually. At the
end of
150 days the
waters had
and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.
sent forth a
raven. It
went to and
fro until the
waters were
dried up from the
But the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark.
But the
dove found no place to
set her
foot, and she
returned to him
to the
for the
waters were still
on the
face of the
whole earth. So he put
out his
hand and
took her and
brought her into the
ark with him.
He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.
Then he
waited another seven days and
sent forth the
dove, and she did
not return to him anymore.
Then they turned back and went to En Mishpat (that is, Kadesh), and they conquered the whole territory of the Amalekites, as well as the Amorites who were living in Hazezon Tamar.
Then they
turned back and
came to En-mishpat (that is,
Kadesh) and
defeated all the
country of the
Amalekites, and also the
Amorites who were
dwelling in Hazazon-tamar.
He recovered all the goods and brought back his relative Lot and his possessions, together with the women and the other people.
Then he
brought back all the
possessions, and also
brought back his
kinsman Lot with his
possessions, and the
women and the
After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley).
After his
return from the
defeat of
Chedorlaomer and the
kings who were with him, the
king of
Sodom went out to
meet him at the
Valley of
Shaveh (that
is, the
King’s Valley).
In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.’
And they shall come
back here in the
fourth generation, for the
iniquity of the
Amorites is not
yet complete.”
Then the angel of the
Lord told her, ‘Go back to your mistress and submit to her.’
angel of the
Lord said to her, “
Return to your
mistress and
submit to her.”
Then one of them said, ‘I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.’
Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him.
Lord said, “I will
surely return to you
about this
time next year, and
Sarah your
wife shall have a
son.” And
Sarah was
listening at the
tent door behind him.
Is anything too hard for the
Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.’
anything too
hard for the
At the
appointed time I will
return to you, about this
time next year, and
Sarah shall have a
When the
Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.
And the
Lord went his
when he had
finished speaking to Abraham, and
Abraham returned to
his place.
Now return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all who belong to you will die.’
Now then,
return the
man’s wife,
for he is a
prophet, so that
he will
pray for
you, and you shall
live. But if you do
not return her,
know that
you shall
surely die, you
and all who are yours.”
Then Abimelek brought sheep and cattle and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham, and he returned Sarah his wife to him.
Abimelech took sheep and
oxen, and male
servants and
female servants, and
gave them to
Abraham, and
returned Sarah his wife to him.
After the treaty had been made at Beersheba, Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces returned to the land of the Philistines.
So they
made a
covenant at
Beersheba. Then
Abimelech and
Phicol the
commander of his
army rose up and
returned to the
land of the
He said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.’
Abraham said to his
young men, “Stay
here with the
I and the
boy will
go over
there and
worship and come
again to you.”
Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. And Abraham stayed in Beersheba.
Abraham returned to his
young men, and they
arose and
went together to Beersheba. And
Abraham lived at
The servant asked him, ‘What if the woman is unwilling to come back with me to this land? Shall I then take your son back to the country you came from?’
servant said to him, “
Perhaps the
woman may
not be
willing to
follow me to this
land. Must I then
take your
son back to the
land from which you
‘Make sure that you do not take my son back there,’ Abraham said.
Abraham said to him, “See to
it that you do not
take my son back
If the woman is unwilling to come back with you, then you will be released from this oath of mine. Only do not take my son back there.’
But if the
woman is
not willing to
follow you, then you will be
free from this
oath of mine; only you must
not take my
son back
Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.
Isaac brought her into the
tent of
Sarah his
mother and
took Rebekah, and she
became his
wife, and he
loved her. So
Isaac was
comforted after his mother’s death.
Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them.
Isaac dug again the
wells of
water that had been
dug in the
days of
Abraham his
father, which the
Philistines had
stopped after the
death of
Abraham. And he
gave them the
names that his father had
given them.
When Rebekah was told what her elder son Esau had said, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, ‘Your brother Esau is planning to avenge himself by killing you.
But the
words of
Esau her
older son were
told to
Rebekah. So she
sent and
called Jacob her
younger son and
said to him, “
Behold, your
brother Esau comforts himself about you by planning to
kill you.
Stay with him for a while until your brother’s fury subsides.
stay with him a while,
until your brother’s fury turns away—
When your brother is no longer angry with you and forgets what you did to him, I’ll send word for you to come back from there. Why should I lose both of you in one day?’
until your
brother’s anger turns away from you, and he
forgets what you have
done to him. Then I will
send and
bring you from
Why should I be
bereft of you
both in
one day?”
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.’
I am
with you and will
keep you
wherever you
go, and will bring you
back to
this land.
For I will
not leave you
until I have
done what I have
promised you.”
so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the
Lord will be my God
so that I come
again to my
father’s house in
then the
Lord shall be my
When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone away from the well’s mouth and water the sheep. Then they would return the stone to its place over the mouth of the well.
and when
all the
flocks were
gathered there, the shepherds would
roll the
stone from the
mouth of the
well and
water the
sheep, and put the
stone back in its
place over the
mouth of the
‘What shall I give you?’ he asked.
‘Don’t give me anything,’ Jacob replied. ‘But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them:
said, “
What shall I
give you?”
Jacob said, “You shall
not give me anything. If you
will do this for me, I will
again pasture your
flock and
keep it:
Then the
Lord said to Jacob, ‘Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.’
Then the
Lord said to Jacob,
Return to the
land of your
fathers and to
your kindred, and
I will be
with you.”
I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land.”’
I am the
God of
where you
anointed a
pillar and
made a
vow to me.
Now arise,
go out from this
land and
return to the
land of
your kindred.’”
Early the next morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them. Then he left and returned home.
Early in the
morning Laban arose and
kissed his
grandchildren and his
daughters and
blessed them. Then
Laban departed and
returned home.
When the messengers returned to Jacob, they said, ‘We went to your brother Esau, and now he is coming to meet you, and four hundred men are with him.’
And the
messengers returned to Jacob,
saying, “We
came to your
brother Esau, and he is
coming to
meet you, and there are
four hundred men with him.”
Then Jacob prayed, ‘O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac,
Lord, you who said to me, “Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,”
Jacob said,
God of my
father Abraham and
God of my
father Isaac, O
Lord who
said to me, ‘
Return to your
country and to your
kindred, that I may do
you good,’
So that day Esau started on his way back to Seir.
Esau returned that
day on his
way to
So he said to him, ‘Go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks, and bring word back to me.’ Then he sent him off from the Valley of Hebron.
When Joseph arrived at Shechem,
So he
said to him, “
Go now,
see if it is
well with your
brothers and with the
flock, and
bring me
word.” So he
sent him from the
Valley of
Hebron, and he
came to
When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes.
Reuben returned to the
pit and saw that
Joseph was not in the
pit, he
tore his clothes
He went back to his brothers and said, ‘The boy isn’t there! Where can I turn now?’
returned to his
brothers and
said, “The
boy is gone, and
where shall
I go?”
All his sons and daughters came to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. ‘No,’ he said, ‘I will continue to mourn until I join my son in the grave.’ So his father wept for him.
All his
sons and
all his
daughters rose up to
comfort him, but he
refused to be
comforted and
said, “
I shall
go down to
Sheol to my
mourning.” Thus his
father wept for him.
After a long time Judah’s wife, the daughter of Shua, died. When Judah had recovered from his grief, he went up to Timnah, to the men who were shearing his sheep, and his friend Hirah the Adullamite went with him.
In the
course of
time the
wife of
Shua’s daughter,
died. When
Judah was
comforted, he
went up to
Timnah to his
sheepshearers, he and his
friend Hirah the
So he went back to Judah and said, ‘I didn’t find her. Besides, the men who lived there said, “There hasn’t been any shrine-prostitute here.”’
So he
returned to Judah and
said, “I have
not found her.
Also, the
men of the
place said, ‘
No cult prostitute has been
But when he drew back his hand, his brother came out, and she said, ‘So this is how you have broken out!’ And he was named Perez.
But as he drew
back his
behold, his
brother came out. And she
said, “
What a
breach you have
made for yourself!” Therefore his
name was
called Perez.
He turned away from them and began to weep, but then came back and spoke to them again. He had Simeon taken from them and bound before their eyes.
Then he
turned away from them and
wept. And he
returned to them and
spoke to them. And he
took Simeon from them and
bound him
before their eyes.
Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man’s silver back in his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. After this was done for them,
Joseph gave orders to
fill their
bags with
grain, and to
replace every
man’s money in his
sack, and to
give them
provisions for the
This was
done for them.
‘My silver has been returned,’ he said to his brothers. ‘Here it is in my sack.’
Their hearts sank and they turned to each other trembling and said, ‘What is this that God has done to us?’
said to his
brothers, “My
money has been put
here it is in the mouth of my
sack!” At this their
hearts failed them, and they turned
trembling to
one another,
saying, “
What is
this that
God has
done to
Then Reuben said to his father, ‘You may put both of my sons to death if I do not bring him back to you. Entrust him to my care, and I will bring him back.’
Reuben said to his
father, “
Kill my
two sons if I do
not bring him
back to you.
Put him in my
hands, and
I will bring him
back to you.”
So when they had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, their father said to them, ‘Go back and buy us a little more food.’
And when they had
eaten the
grain that they had
brought from
Egypt, their
father said to them, “Go
buy us a
little food.”
As it is, if we had not delayed, we could have gone and returned twice.’
If we had
not delayed,
we would now have
returned twice.”
Take double the amount of silver with you, for you must return the silver that was put back into the mouths of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake.
Take double the
money with
you. Carry
back with
you the
money that was
returned in the
mouth of your
Perhaps it was an
Take your brother also and go back to the man at once.
Take also your
brother, and
arise, go
again to the
Now the men were frightened when they were taken to his house. They thought, ‘We were brought here because of the silver that was put back into our sacks the first time. He wants to attack us and overpower us and seize us as slaves and take our donkeys.’
And the
men were
afraid because they were
brought to
Joseph’s house, and they
said, “It is
because of the
money, which was
replaced in our
sacks the
first time, that
we are
brought in, so that he may
assault us and
fall upon us to make us
servants and
seize our donkeys.”
But at the place where we stopped for the night we opened our sacks and each of us found his silver – the exact weight – in the mouth of his sack. So we have brought it back with us.
And when we
came to the
lodging place we
opened our
sacks, and there was each
man’s money in the
mouth of his
sack, our
money in
full weight. So we have brought it
again with
We even brought back to you from the land of Canaan the silver we found inside the mouths of our sacks. So why would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?
money that we
found in the
mouths of our
sacks we
brought back to you from the
land of
How then could we
steal silver or
gold from your
lord’s house?
At this, they tore their clothes. Then they all loaded their donkeys and returned to the city.
Then they
tore their
clothes, and every
man loaded his donkey, and they
returned to the
‘Then our father said, “Go back and buy a little more food.”
And when our
father said, ‘Go
buy us a
little food,’
Then Israel said to Joseph, ‘I am about to die, but God will be with you and take you back to the land of your fathers.
Israel said to Joseph, “
I am about to
die, but
God will be with you and will bring you
again to the
land of
your fathers.
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