Gen 18:7

Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it.
And Abraham ran to the herd and took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to a young man, who prepared it quickly.

Gen 24:10

Then the servant left, taking with him ten of his master’s camels loaded with all kinds of good things from his master. He set out for Aram Naharaim and made his way to the town of Nahor.
Then the servant took ten of his master’s camels and departed, taking all sorts of choice gifts from his master; and he arose and went to Mesopotamia to the city of Nahor.

Gen 27:9

go out to the flock and bring me two choice young goats, so that I can prepare some tasty food for your father, just the way he likes it.
Go to the flock and bring me two good young goats, so that I may prepare from them delicious food for your father, such as he loves.

Gen 43:11

Then their father Israel said to them, ‘If it must be, then do this: put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift – a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts and almonds.
Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be so, then do this: take some of the choice fruits of the land in your bags, and carry a present down to the man, a little balm and a little honey, gum, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds.

Gen 49:11

He will tether his donkey to a vine,
his colt to the choicest branch;
he will wash his garments in wine,
his robes in the blood of grapes.
Binding his foal to the vine
and his donkey’s colt to the choice vine,
he has washed his garments in wine
and his vesture in the blood of grapes.

Deut 12:11

Then to the place the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name – there you are to bring everything I command you: your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, and all the choice possessions you have vowed to the Lord.
then to the place that the Lord your God will choose, to make his name dwell there, there you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution that you present, and all your finest vow offerings that you vow to the Lord.

Deut 32:14

with curds and milk from herd and flock
and with fattened lambs and goats,
with choice rams of Bashan
and the finest grains of wheat.
You drank the foaming blood of the grape.
Curds from the herd, and milk from the flock,
with fat of lambs,
rams of Bashan and goats,
with the very finest of the wheat
and you drank foaming wine made from the blood of the grape.

1Sam 2:29

Why do you scorn my sacrifice and offering that I prescribed for my dwelling? Why do you honour your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?”

Why then do you scorn my sacrifices and my offerings that I commanded for my dwelling, and honor your sons above me by fattening yourselves on the choicest parts of every offering of my people Israel?’

1Kgs 4:23

ten head of stall-fed cattle, twenty of pasture-fed cattle and a hundred sheep and goats, as well as deer, gazelles, roebucks and choice fowl.
ten fat oxen, and twenty pasture-fed cattle, a hundred sheep, besides deer, gazelles, roebucks, and fattened fowl.

2Kgs 3:19

You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town. You will cut down every good tree, block up all the springs, and ruin every good field with stones.’

and you shall attack every fortified city and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree and stop up all springs of water and ruin every good piece of land with stones.”

1Chr 7:40

All these were descendants of Asher – heads of families, choice men, brave warriors and outstanding leaders. The number of men ready for battle, as listed in their genealogy, was 26,000.
All of these were men of Asher, heads of fathershouses, approved, mighty warriors, chiefs of the princes. Their number enrolled by genealogies, for service in war, was 26,000 men.

1Chr 21:11

So Gad went to David and said to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: “Take your choice:
So Gad came to David and said to him, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Choose what you will:

2Chr 25:5

Amaziah called the people of Judah together and assigned them according to their families to commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds for all Judah and Benjamin. He then mustered those twenty years old or more and found that there were three hundred thousand men fit for military service, able to handle the spear and shield.
Then Amaziah assembled the men of Judah and set them by fathershouses under commanders of thousands and of hundreds for all Judah and Benjamin. He mustered those twenty years old and upward, and found that they were 300,000 choice men, fit for war, able to handle spear and shield.

Neh 5:18

Each day one ox, six choice sheep and some poultry were prepared for me, and every ten days an abundant supply of wine of all kinds. In spite of all this, I never demanded the food allotted to the governor, because the demands were heavy on these people.

Now what was prepared at my expense for each day was one ox and six choice sheep and birds, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because the service was too heavy on this people.

Neh 8:10

Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’

Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Job 36:16

‘He is wooing you from the jaws of distress
to a spacious place free from restriction,
to the comfort of your table laden with choice food.
He also allured you out of distress
into a broad place where there was no cramping,
and what was set on your table was full of fatness.

Prov 8:10

Choose my instruction instead of silver,
knowledge rather than choice gold,
Take my instruction instead of silver,
and knowledge rather than choice gold,

Prov 8:19

My fruit is better than fine gold;
what I yield surpasses choice silver.
My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold,
and my yield than choice silver.

Prov 10:20

The tongue of the righteous is choice silver,
but the heart of the wicked is of little value.
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver;
the heart of the wicked is of little worth.

Prov 18:8

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
they go down to the inmost parts.
The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
they go down into the inner parts of the body.

Prov 21:20

The wise store up choice food and olive oil,
but fools gulp theirs down.
Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man’s dwelling,
but a foolish man devours it.

Prov 26:22

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
they go down to the inmost parts.
The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
they go down into the inner parts of the body.

Song 4:13

Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates
with choice fruits,
with henna and nard,
Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates
with all choicest fruits,
henna with nard,

Song 4:14

nard and saffron,
calamus and cinnamon,
with every kind of incense tree,
with myrrh and aloes
and all the finest spices.
nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon,
with all trees of frankincense,
myrrh and aloes,
with all choice spices

Song 4:16

Awake, north wind,
and come, south wind!
Blow on my garden,
that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
Let my beloved come into his garden
and taste its choice fruits.
Awake, O north wind,
and come, O south wind!
Blow upon my garden,
let its spices flow.
Let my beloved come to his garden,
and eat its choicest fruits.

Song 5:15

His legs are pillars of marble
set on bases of pure gold.
His appearance is like Lebanon,
choice as its cedars.
His legs are alabaster columns,
set on bases of gold.
His appearance is like Lebanon,
choice as the cedars.

Song 7:13

The mandrakes send out their fragrance,
and at our door is every delicacy,
both new and old,
that I have stored up for you, my beloved.
The mandrakes give forth fragrance,
and beside our doors are all choice fruits,
new as well as old,
which I have laid up for you, O my beloved.

Isa 1:22

Your silver has become dross,
your choice wine is diluted with water.
Your silver has become dross,
your best wine mixed with water.

Isa 5:2

He dug it up and cleared it of stones
and planted it with the choicest vines.
He built a watchtower in it
and cut out a winepress as well.
Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,
but it yielded only bad fruit.
He dug it and cleared it of stones,
and planted it with choice vines;
he built a watchtower in the midst of it,
and hewed out a wine vat in it;
and he looked for it to yield grapes,
but it yielded wild grapes.

Jer 2:21

I had planted you like a choice vine
of sound and reliable stock.
How then did you turn against me
into a corrupt, wild vine?
Yet I planted you a choice vine,
wholly of pure seed.
How then have you turned degenerate
and become a wild vine?

Jer 25:34

Weep and wail, you shepherds;
roll in the dust, you leaders of the flock.
For your time to be slaughtered has come;
you will fall like the best of the rams.
Wail, you shepherds, and cry out,
and roll in ashes, you lords of the flock,
for the days of your slaughter and dispersion have come,
and you shall fall like a choice vessel.

Ezek 17:21

All his choice troops will fall by the sword, and the survivors will be scattered to the winds. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken.

And all the pick of his troops shall fall by the sword, and the survivors shall be scattered to every wind, and you shall know that I am the Lord; I have spoken.”

Ezek 20:40

For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord, there in the land all the people of Israel will serve me, and there I will accept them. There I will require your offerings and your choice gifts, along with all your holy sacrifices.
For on my holy mountain, the mountain height of Israel, declares the Lord God, there all the house of Israel, all of them, shall serve me in the land. There I will accept them, and there I will require your contributions and the choicest of your gifts, with all your sacred offerings.

Ezek 24:4

Put into it the pieces of meat,
all the choice pieces – the leg and the shoulder.
Fill it with the best of these bones;
put in it the pieces of meat,
all the good pieces, the thigh and the shoulder;
fill it with choice bones.

Ezek 24:6

‘“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says:

‘“Woe to the city of bloodshed,
to the pot now encrusted,
whose deposit will not go away!
Take the meat out piece by piece
in whatever order it comes.
Therefore thus says the Lord God: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose corrosion is in it, and whose corrosion has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, without making any choice.

Ezek 27:24

In your market-place they traded with you beautiful garments, blue fabric, embroidered work and multicoloured rugs with cords twisted and tightly knotted.

In your market these traded with you in choice garments, in clothes of blue and embroidered work, and in carpets of colored material, bound with cords and made secure.

Ezek 31:16

I made the nations tremble at the sound of its fall when I brought it down to the realm of the dead to be with those who go down to the pit. Then all the trees of Eden, the choicest and best of Lebanon, the well-watered trees, were consoled in the earth below.
I made the nations quake at the sound of its fall, when I cast it down to Sheol with those who go down to the pit. And all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, were comforted in the world below.

Ezek 34:3

You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep.

Ezek 48:14

They must not sell or exchange any of it. This is the best of the land and must not pass into other hands, because it is holy to the Lord.

They shall not sell or exchange any of it. They shall not alienate this choice portion of the land, for it is holy to the Lord.

Dan 1:16

So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.

So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.

Dan 10:3

I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.

I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks.

Amos 5:22

Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them.
Though you bring choice fellowship offerings,
I will have no regard for them.
Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them;
and the peace offerings of your fattened animals,
I will not look upon them.

Amos 6:4

You lie on beds adorned with ivory
and lounge on your couches.
You dine on choice lambs
and fattened calves.
“Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory
and stretch themselves out on their couches,
and eat lambs from the flock
and calves from the midst of the stall,

Zech 11:16

For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their hooves.

For behold, I am raising up in the land a shepherd who does not care for those being destroyed, or seek the young or heal the maimed or nourish the healthy, but devours the flesh of the fat ones, tearing off even their hoofs.

John 2:10

and said, ‘Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.’

and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.”

Acts 15:7

After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: ‘Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles should hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe.
And after there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.

Rom 8:20

For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope
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