OHB 1:1GrammarESVבְּרֵאשִׁית  the beginningבָּרָא  createdאֱלֹהִים  , Godאֵת  [the]הַשָּׁמַיִם  the heavens,וְאֵת  [the]הָאָֽרֶץ  and the earth,  OHB 1:2GrammarESVוְהָאָרֶץ  The earthהָיְתָה  wasתֹהוּ  without formוָבֹהוּ  and voidוְחֹשֶׁךְ  , and darknessעַל  was overפְּנֵי  the faceתְהוֹם  of the deepוְרוּחַ  . And the Spiritאֱלֹהִים  of Godמְרַחֶפֶת  was hoveringעַל  overפְּנֵי  the faceהַמָּֽיִם  of the waters  OHB 1:3GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godיְהִי  , Let there beאוֹר  lightוַֽיְהִי  , and there wasאֽוֹר  light  OHB 1:4GrammarESVוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  And Godאֶת  [the]הָאוֹר  that the light, lightכִּי  that the light,טוֹב  was goodוַיַּבְדֵּל  separatedאֱלֹהִים  . And Godבֵּין  separatedהָאוֹר  [light]וּבֵין  fromהַחֹֽשֶׁךְ  the darkness  OHB 1:5GrammarESVוַיִּקְרָא  calledאֱלֹהִים  Godלָאוֹר  the lightיוֹם  Dayוְלַחֹשֶׁךְ  , and the darknessקָרָא  he calledלָיְלָה  Nightוַֽיְהִי  . And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayאֶחָֽד  , the firstפ    OHB 1:6GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godיְהִי  , Let there beרָקִיעַ  an expanseבְּתוֹךְ  in the midstהַמָּיִם  of the watersוִיהִי  , and let it separateמַבְדִּיל  , and let it separateבֵּין  the watersמַיִם  the watersלָמָֽיִם  from the waters  OHB 1:7GrammarESVוַיַּעַשׂ  madeאֱלֹהִים  And Godאֶת  [the]הָרָקִיעַ  the expanse, expanseוַיַּבְדֵּל  and separatedבֵּין  the watersהַמַּיִם  the watersאֲשֶׁר  thatמִתַּחַת  were underלָרָקִיעַ  the expanseוּבֵין  from the watersהַמַּיִם  from the watersאֲשֶׁר  thatמֵעַל  were aboveלָרָקִיעַ  [expanse]וַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:8GrammarESVוַיִּקְרָא  calledאֱלֹהִים  And Godלָֽרָקִיעַ  the expanseשָׁמָיִם  Heavenוַֽיְהִי  . And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayשֵׁנִֽי  , the secondפ    OHB 1:9GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godיִקָּווּ  be gathered togetherהַמַּיִם  , Let the watersמִתַּחַת  underהַשָּׁמַיִם  the heavensאֶל  intoמָקוֹם  placeאֶחָד  oneוְתֵרָאֶה  appearהַיַּבָּשָׁה  , and let the dry landוַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:10GrammarESVוַיִּקְרָא  calledאֱלֹהִים  Godלַיַּבָּשָׁה  the dry landאֶרֶץ  Earthוּלְמִקְוֵה  that were gathered togetherהַמַּיִם  , and the watersקָרָא  he calledיַמִּים  Seasוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  . And Godכִּי  that it was goodטֽוֹב  that it was good  OHB 1:11GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godתַּֽדְשֵׁא  sproutהָאָרֶץ  , Let the earthדֶּשֶׁא  vegetationעֵשֶׂב  , plantsמַזְרִיעַ  yieldingזֶרַע  seedעֵץ  treesפְּרִי  , and fruitעֹשֶׂה  bearingפְּרִי  fruitלְמִינוֹ  , each according to its kindאֲשֶׁר  in whichזַרְעוֹ  is their seedבוֹ   עַל  , onהָאָרֶץ  the earthוַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:12GrammarESVוַתּוֹצֵא  brought forthהָאָרֶץ  The earthדֶּשֶׁא  vegetationעֵשֶׂב  , plantsמַזְרִיעַ  yieldingזֶרַע  seedלְמִינֵהוּ  according to their own kindsוְעֵץ  , and treesעֹֽשֶׂה  bearingפְּרִי  fruitאֲשֶׁר  in whichזַרְעוֹ  is their seedבוֹ   לְמִינֵהוּ  , each according to its kindוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  . And Godכִּי  that it was goodטֽוֹב  that it was good  OHB 1:13GrammarESVוַֽיְהִי  And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayשְׁלִישִֽׁי  , the thirdפ    OHB 1:14GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godיְהִי  , Let there beמְאֹרֹת  lightsבִּרְקִיעַ  in the expanseהַשָּׁמַיִם  of the heavensלְהַבְדִּיל  to separateבֵּין  the dayהַיּוֹם  the dayוּבֵין  from the nightהַלָּיְלָה  from the nightוְהָיוּ  . And let them beלְאֹתֹת  for signsוּלְמוֹעֲדִים  and for seasonsוּלְיָמִים  , and for daysוְשָׁנִֽים  and years  OHB 1:15GrammarESVוְהָיוּ  and let them beלִמְאוֹרֹת  lightsבִּרְקִיעַ  in the expanseהַשָּׁמַיִם  of the heavensלְהָאִיר  to give lightעַל  uponהָאָרֶץ  the earthוַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:16GrammarESVוַיַּעַשׂ  madeאֱלֹהִים  And Godאֶת  [the]שְׁנֵי  the two,הַמְּאֹרֹת  lightsהַגְּדֹלִים  greatאֶת  [the]הַמָּאוֹר  light, light,הַגָּדֹל  —the greaterלְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת  to ruleהַיּוֹם  the dayוְאֶת  [the]הַמָּאוֹר  [light]הַקָּטֹן  and the lesserלְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת  to ruleהַלַּיְלָה  the nightוְאֵת  [the]הַכּוֹכָבִֽים  —and the stars,  OHB 1:17GrammarESVוַיִּתֵּן  setאֹתָם  [the]אֱלֹהִים  And God,בִּרְקִיעַ  them in the expanseהַשָּׁמָיִם  of the heavensלְהָאִיר  to give lightעַל  onהָאָֽרֶץ  the earth  OHB 1:18GrammarESVוְלִמְשֹׁל  ruleבַּיּוֹם  over the dayוּבַלַּיְלָה  and over the nightוּֽלֲהַבְדִּיל  , and to separateבֵּין  the lightהָאוֹר  the lightוּבֵין  from the darknessהַחֹשֶׁךְ  from the darknessוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  . And Godכִּי  that it was goodטֽוֹב  that it was good  OHB 1:19GrammarESVוַֽיְהִי  And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayרְבִיעִֽי  , the fourthפ    OHB 1:20GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godיִשְׁרְצוּ  swarmהַמַּיִם  , Let the watersשֶׁרֶץ  with swarmsנֶפֶשׁ  creaturesחַיָּה  of livingוְעוֹף  , and let birdsיְעוֹפֵף  flyעַל  aboveהָאָרֶץ  the earthעַל  acrossפְּנֵי  acrossרְקִיעַ  the expanseהַשָּׁמָֽיִם  of the heavens  OHB 1:21GrammarESVוַיִּבְרָא  createdאֱלֹהִים  So Godאֶת  [the]הַתַּנִּינִם  sea creatures,הַגְּדֹלִים  the greatוְאֵת  [the]כָּל  and every, , and every,נֶפֶשׁ  creatureהַֽחַיָּה  livingהָֽרֹמֶשֶׂת  that movesאֲשֶׁר  swarmשָׁרְצוּ  swarmהַמַּיִם  , with which the watersלְמִֽינֵהֶם  , according to their kindsוְאֵת  [the]כָּל  [all]עוֹף  birdכָּנָף  wingedלְמִינֵהוּ  according to its kindוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  . And Godכִּי  that it was goodטֽוֹב  that it was good  OHB 1:22GrammarESVוַיְבָרֶךְ  blessedאֹתָם  [the]אֱלֹהִים  And God,לֵאמֹר  them, sayingפְּרוּ  , Be fruitfulוּרְבוּ  and multiplyוּמִלְאוּ  and fillאֶת  [the]הַמַּיִם  the waters,בַּיַּמִּים  in the seasוְהָעוֹף  , and let birdsיִרֶב  multiplyבָּאָֽרֶץ  on the earth  OHB 1:23GrammarESVוַֽיְהִי  And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayחֲמִישִֽׁי  , the fifthפ    OHB 1:24GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godתּוֹצֵא  bring forthהָאָרֶץ  , Let the earthנֶפֶשׁ  creaturesחַיָּה  livingלְמִינָהּ  according to their kindsבְּהֵמָה  —livestockוָרֶמֶשׂ  and creeping thingsוְחַֽיְתוֹ  and beastsאֶרֶץ  of the earthלְמִינָהּ  according to their kindsוַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:25GrammarESVוַיַּעַשׂ  madeאֱלֹהִים  And Godאֶת  [the]חַיַּת  the beasts,הָאָרֶץ  of the earthלְמִינָהּ  according to their kindsוְאֶת  [the]הַבְּהֵמָה  and the livestock,לְמִינָהּ  according to their kindsוְאֵת  [the]כָּל  , and everything,רֶמֶשׂ  that creepsהָֽאֲדָמָה  on the groundלְמִינֵהוּ  according to its kindוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  . And Godכִּי  that it was goodטֽוֹב  that it was good  OHB 1:26GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  Then Godנַֽעֲשֶׂה  , Let us makeאָדָם  manבְּצַלְמֵנוּ  in our imageכִּדְמוּתֵנוּ  our likenessוְיִרְדּוּ  . And let them have dominionבִדְגַת  over the fishהַיָּם  of the seaוּבְעוֹף  and over the birdsהַשָּׁמַיִם  of the heavensוּבַבְּהֵמָה  and over the livestockוּבְכָל  and over allהָאָרֶץ  the earthוּבְכָל  and over everyהָרֶמֶשׂ  creeping thingהָֽרֹמֵשׂ  that creepsעַל  onהָאָֽרֶץ  the earth  OHB 1:27GrammarESVוַיִּבְרָא  createdאֱלֹהִים  So Godאֶת  [the]הָֽאָדָם  man,בְּצַלְמוֹ  in his own imageבְּצֶלֶם  the imageאֱלֹהִים  of Godבָּרָא  he createdאֹתוֹ  [the]זָכָר  him;male,וּנְקֵבָה  and femaleבָּרָא  he createdאֹתָֽם  [the]  OHB 1:28GrammarESVוַיְבָרֶךְ  blessedאֹתָם  [the]אֱלֹהִים  And God, Godוַיֹּאמֶר  saidלָהֶם   אֱלֹהִים   פְּרוּ  to them, Be fruitfulוּרְבוּ  and multiplyוּמִלְאוּ  and fillאֶת  [the]הָאָרֶץ  the earth,וְכִבְשֻׁהָ  and subdueוּרְדוּ  it, and have dominionבִּדְגַת  over the fishהַיָּם  of the seaוּבְעוֹף  and over the birdsהַשָּׁמַיִם  of the heavensוּבְכָל  and over everyחַיָּה  livingהָֽרֹמֶשֶׂת  thing that movesעַל  onהָאָֽרֶץ  the earth  OHB 1:29GrammarESVוַיֹּאמֶר  saidאֱלֹהִים  And Godהִנֵּה  , Beholdנָתַתִּי  , I have givenלָכֶם   אֶת  [the]כָּל  you every, of all, everyעֵשֶׂב  plantזֹרֵעַ  yieldingזֶרַע  seedאֲשֶׁר  in itsעַל  that is onפְּנֵי  the faceכָל  [all]הָאָרֶץ  the earthוְאֶת  [the]כָּל  [all]הָעֵץ  treeאֲשֶׁר  fruitבּוֹ   פְרִי  fruitעֵץ  with seedזֹרֵעַ  with seedזָרַע  with seedלָכֶם   יִֽהְיֶה  . You shall haveלְאָכְלָֽה  them for food  OHB 1:30GrammarESVוּֽלְכָל  everyחַיַּת  beastהָאָרֶץ  of the earthוּלְכָל  and to everythingעוֹף  and to every birdהַשָּׁמַיִם  of the heavensוּלְכֹל  , everythingרוֹמֵשׂ  that creepsעַל  onהָאָרֶץ  the earthאֲשֶׁר  thatבּוֹ   נֶפֶשׁ  has the breathחַיָּה  of lifeאֶת  [the]כָּל  , I have given everyיֶרֶק  green,עֵשֶׂב  plantלְאָכְלָה  for foodוַֽיְהִי  . And it wasכֵֽן  so  OHB 1:31GrammarESVוַיַּרְא  sawאֱלֹהִים  And Godאֶת  [the]כָּל  everything,אֲשֶׁר  thatעָשָׂה  he had madeוְהִנֵּה  , and beholdטוֹב  goodמְאֹד  , it was veryוַֽיְהִי  . And there wasעֶרֶב  eveningוַֽיְהִי  and there wasבֹקֶר  morningיוֹם  dayהַשִּׁשִּֽׁי  , the sixthפ  
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