Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AAI | The New Testament in the Miniafia Language of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AAK | The New Testament in the Ankave language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AAU | The New Testament in the Abau Language of the Green River area, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AbmSC | Abanyom LP New Testament Portions (ABM) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ABTMAPRIK | The New Testament in the Maprik dialect of the Ambulas Language | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ABTWOSERA | The New Testament in the Wosara-Kamu Dialect of the Ambulas Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ABY | The New Testament in the Aneme Wake Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ACRACC | The New Testament in the Achi' de Cubulco language of Guatemala. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ADZ | The New Testament in the Adzera Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AEY | Genesis and the New Testament in the Amele language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AGD | The New Testament in the Agarabi language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AGG | The New Testament in the Angor language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AGM | The New Testament in the Angaataha language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AKH | The New Testament in the Angal Heneng Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AlfSC | Alege LP NT Portions (ALF) SCO 2022 Luk only in Elege | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AmhNASV | New Amharic Standard Version 2001 (NASV) / አዲሱ መደበኛ ትርጒም Biblica | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AMM | The New Testament in the Ama language of Papua New Guinea. The Ama language is also known as the Sawiyanu language. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AMNAMANAB | The New Testament in the Amanab language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AMP | The New Testament in the Alamblak language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AOJ | The New Testament in the Mufian Language | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ AOJFILIFITA | The New Testament in the Filifita Language (Ilahita Dialect), East Sepik Province, PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AOM | The New Testament in the Omie language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AON | The New Testament in the Central dialect of the Arapesh language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ APE | The New Testament in the Central dialect of the Bukiyip language of Papua New Guinea. This language is also called Mountain Arapesh. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ APZ | The New Testament and Genesis in the Safeyoka (Ampeeli-Wojokeso) language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AraSVD | Arabic Bible (الكتاب المقدس - فان دايك) Smith and van Dyck (SVD) 1865 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ArbKEH | New Arabic Version (NAV) (Ketab El Hayat) (الكتاب المقدس) (KEH) Biblica 2012 in Standard Arabic [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ AsmULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Assamese TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ASO | The New Testament in the Dano (Upper Asaro) language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ATA | The New Testament plus Genesis and Jonah in the Ata language of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AUI | The Good News According to Mark in the Anuki language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AUY | The New Testament in the Awiyaana language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AVT | The New Testament in the Au language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AWB | God's New Talk: The New Testament in the Awa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AWX | Genesis, Ruth, and Jonah in the Awara Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BBB | Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Ruth, Nehemiah, Jonah, and the New Testament in the Barai language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BBR | The New Testament in the Girawa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BCH | Genesis, Exodus, and the New Testament in the Bariai language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BCO | Portions of the New Testament in the Kaluli language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BDD | The New Testament in the Bunama language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BeaMRK | The Gospel of Mark in Beaver (Danezaa) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BEF | The New Testament in the Benabena Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BenBSS | Biblica® Open Bengali Contemporary Version 2019 (OBCV) / মুক্তভাবে বাংলা সমকালীন সংস্করণের | Bangladesh, India. | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ BenULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Bengali TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BulCont | Contemporary Bulgarian Translation (Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици с неканоничните книги © Българско библейско дружество 2013) 2013 TH'Aug-19. | Biblical Texts | Bulgarian Orthodox Bible (BOB) | Bulgarian Orthodox Bible (Библия, синодално издание) 2016 TH'Aug-19. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ BulProtRev | Bulgarian Protestant Bible (revised) (Библия, ревизирано издание ©Българско библейско дружество) 2015 TH'Aug-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BHL | The New Testament in the Bimin Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BIG | The New Testament in the Biangai language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BJR | The New Testament + Genesis and Exodus in the Binumarien language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BMH | The New Testament in the Kein Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BMK | The Gospel of Mark in the Ghayavi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BMU | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Somba-Siawari language of Papua New Guinea, also called the Burum Mindik language. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BNP | Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Ruth, Jonah, and the New Testament in the Bola language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BOJ | The New Testament in the Anjam language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BON | The New Testament in the Bine Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BUK | The New Testament in the Bukawa language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BuxSC | Boghom NT Portions (BUX) / BUX (Boghom) NT Portions SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BYR | Genesis and The New Testament in the Yipma/Baruya language | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ BYRW | Selected Scriptures in the Wagamwa dialect of the Yipma language (parts of John, 1 John, Romans, and Hebrews). | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BYX | The New Testament and Ruth in the Qaqet Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BZH | The New Testament in the Central/Mapos dialect of the Buang language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CAA | The New Testament and Genesis, Ruth, Esther, and Jonah in the Chorti language of Guatemala | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CebAPD | Cebuano Contemporary Bible (Ang Pulong sa Dios) (CCB) Biblica 2014 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CebPinadayag | Cebuano Pinadayag | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ CebULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Cebuano TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Chamorro | Chamorro: Y Santa Biblia (1908) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Che1860 | Cherokee New Testament (1860) with Sequoyah transliterated forms | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CJV | The New Testament in the Chuave Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CkbKSS | Kurdi Sorani Standard 2020 (KSS) / کوردی سۆرانی ستاندەر Biblica in Central Kurdish | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CklSC | Kibaku (CKL) / Kibaku NT SCO 2023 NT only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CkySC | Chakfem (ckyc) (CKY) SCO 2022 Luk only in Cakfem-Mushere | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CopSahBible2 | Sahidic Bible 2 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CopSahHorner | Sahidic Coptic New Testament, ed. by G. W. Horner | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CopSahidica | Sahidica - A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CopSahidicMSS | The Sahidica Manuscripts | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CesSNC | Slovo na cestu (Czech Living New Testament) 2012 (SNC) Biblica NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CzeBKR | Czech Bible Kralicka | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CzeCSP | Czech Český studijní překlad | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CSlElizabeth | 1757 Church Slavonic Elizabeth Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CYM | | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Dan1871 | Dansk Bibel (1871) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DanBPH | Bibelen på hverdagsdansk (The Bible in Everyday Danish) (BPH) Biblica 2015 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DaNT1819 | Danish New Testament from 1819 with original orthography | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DaOT1871NT1907 | Danish OT1871 + NT1907 with original orthography | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DaOT1931NT1907 | Danish OT1931 + NT1907 with original orthography | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DAD | The New Testament in the Marik Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DAH | The New Testament in the Gwahatike Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GerAlbrecht | German Albrecht Neues Testament und Psalmen | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerElb1871 | German Elberfelder (1871) (sogenannt) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerElb1905 | German Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder (1905) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerGruenewald | 1924 Grünewaldbibel | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerHFA | Hoffnung für alle (Hope for all) (HFA) Biblica 2015 in German | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerLeoNA28 | Leonberger Bibel, NT (NA28) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerLeoRP18 | Leonberger Bibel, NT (RP19) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerLut1545 | Luther Bible 1545 (Lut1545) Public Domain in German | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerMenge | Menge-Bibel (1939) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerOffBiSt | Offene Bibel - Studienfassung | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerReinhardt | German Reinhardt Evangelien | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerSch | Schlachter Bibel (1951) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerSch2000 | Die Bibel (Schlachter 2000) (SCHL2000) SBDG in German (Bibliographic code) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerTafel | German Tafelbibel (1911) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerTextbibel | Deutsch Textbibel (1906) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerZurcher | Deutsche Zürcher Bibel von 1931. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ GerKingComments | Kingcomments (German), Kommentar zur ganzen Bibel. | Commentaries |
ⓘ MAK | Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar | Commentaries |
ⓘ Rieger | Carl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DED | The New Testament and Psalms in the Dedua Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DGZ | The New Testament in the Daga Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DOB | The New Testament in the Dobu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DWW | The New Testament in the Dawawa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ EweBEE | Ewé Contemporary Version (BEV) / Agbenya La Biblica 2006 NT in Ewe | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ EweULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gal,Phm,Mrk,Php) in Ewe TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ EkySCKali | Eastern Kayah Shadaw Dialect (EKY) SCO NT only in Kayah, Eastern | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ EkySCThai | Eastern Kayah Thailand (EKY) / Eastern Kayah New Testament and Genesis SCO Gen only + NT in Kayah, Eastern | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GreVamvas | Neophytos Vamvas's translation of the Holy Bible into modern Greek (1850) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ EMI | Ruth, Jonah, Mark, Luke, John, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and 1-3 John in the Mussau-Emira Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ AB | The Apostles' Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ABEn | Apostolic Bible Polyglot English Text adapted by Tyndale House | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ACV | A Conservative Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ AKJV | American King James Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Anderson | Henry Tompkins Anderson’s 1864 New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ASV | American Standard Version of the Holy Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ BBE | 1949/1964 Bible in Basic English | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Comm | The Common Edition: New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CPDV | Catholic Public Domain Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Darby | Darby Bible (1889) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DRC | Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ EE | EasyEnglish Bible 2018 (EE) TH'Apr-19. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ EngLXX | The Septuagint with Apocrypha, translated from Greek to English by Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton and published in 1885, with some language updates by Michael Paul Johnson in 2012 (American English) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ESV | English Standard Version 2016 Bible with Greek+Hebrew vocab and morphology | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Eth | The Peschito Syriac New Testament: Translated into English by John Wesley Etheridge | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Gen | Geneva Bible (1599) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Godb | 1902 William Baxter Godbey NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Haweis | Thomas Haweis 1795 New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HCSB | HCSB - Holman Christian Standard Bible, 2009. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HNV | Hebrew Names Version of the World English Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ISV | International Standard Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JPS | Jewish Publication Society Old Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Jub | English Jubilee 2000 Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KJV | King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KJVA | King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology and CatchWords, including Apocrypha (without glosses) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KJVPCE | King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ LEB | The Lexham English Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Lees | 1853 Leeser Old Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ LO | The Living Oracles NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ LSB | Legacy Standard Bible Copyright (LSB) The Lockman Foundation 2021 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Mont | Montgomery New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Murd | James Murdock's Translation of the Syriac Peshitta | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NASB1995 | New American Standard Bible (1995) The Lockman Foundation | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NASB2020 | New American Standard Bible (2020) | The Lockman Foundation | +OT2 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NET2full | New English Translation with full notes on translation, text and background. (NET) | Biblical Studies Press L.L.C. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NHE | New Heart English Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NHJ | New Heart English Bible: Jehovah Edition | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NHM | New Heart English Bible: Messianic Edition | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NIrV | New International Readers Version 2014 (NIrV) Biblica | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NIV | New International Version® (Anglicised) 2011 Biblica Oct'23 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Noyes | 1869 Noyes Translation | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ OEB | Open English Bible (US Spelling) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ OEBc | Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RKJN | Revised King James New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RLT | Revised Literal Translation (2018) of the King James Version with Strongs Numbers and Morphology | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RSKJ | Restored Name King James Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Roth | The Emphasised Bible by J. B. Rotherham | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RV_th | Revised Version (RV) 1895 OT+OT2+NT Aug'19 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RWebs | Revised Webster Version (1833) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SPE | Samaritan Pentateuch in English | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ 20C | Twentieth Century New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Tynd | William Tyndale Bible (1525/1530) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UKJV | Updated King James Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WEB | World English Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WEB_th | World English Bible (WEB) with Strong's by CrossWord | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WEBB | World English Bible: British Edition | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WEBM | World English Bible: Messianic Edition | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Webs | Webster Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Weym | Weymouth NT (1912) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Wors | 1770 John Worsley NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ YLT | Young's Literal Translation (1898) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Abbott | Illustrated New Testament | Commentaries |
ⓘ Barnes | Barnes' New Testament Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ Burkitt | Burkitt's Expository Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ CalvinCommentaries | Calvin's Collected Commentaries | Commentaries |
ⓘ Catena | Catena Aurea (Thomas Aquinas) for the Gospels | Commentaries |
ⓘ Clarke | Adam Clarke's Commentary and critical notes on the Bible | Commentaries |
ⓘ DTN | Darby Translation Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ Family | Family Bible Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ Geneva | Geneva Bible Translation Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ JFB | Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary | Commentaries |
ⓘ KD | Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament | Commentaries |
ⓘ KingComments | Kingcomments, commentary on the whole Bible. | Commentaries |
ⓘ Lightfoot | John Lightfoot Commentary | Commentaries |
ⓘ Luther | Luther's Commentary on Selected Bible Passages | Commentaries |
ⓘ MHC | Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible | Commentaries |
ⓘ MHCC | Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible | Commentaries |
ⓘ PNT | The People's New Testament | Commentaries |
ⓘ RWP | Robertson's Word Pictures | Commentaries |
ⓘ Scofield | Scofield Reference Notes, 1917 Edition | Commentaries |
ⓘ Spurious | Tischendorf's Spurious Passages of the GNT | Commentaries |
ⓘ TDavid | C. H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David | Commentaries |
ⓘ TFG | The Fourfold Gospel and Commentary on Acts of Apostles | Commentaries |
ⓘ TNotes | Tyndale Open Study Notes | Commentaries |
ⓘ TSK | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | Commentaries |
ⓘ Wesley | John Wesley's Notes on the Bible | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
---|---|---|'>ⓘ BSB | Berean Study Bible. (BSB) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Wycl | John Wycliffe Bible (c.1395) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ENQ | The New Testament in the Enga language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Esperanto | Esperanto Londona Biblio | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LBLA | La Biblia de las Américas | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NBLA | Nueva Biblia de las Américas | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaNVI | Nueva Versión Internacional 2022 (NVI) Biblica in Castilian, Spanish | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ spaBES2018eb | La Biblia en Español Sencillo | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaNVIC | Nueva Versión Internacional (Castellano) (NVIC) Biblica 2017 in Castilian, Spanish [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaPlatense | Biblia Platense (Straubinger) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaRV | La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1909) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaRV1865 | La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera (1865) con arreglos ortográficos | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaRV1909 | Reina-Valera 1909 con números de Strong | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaRVG | Reina Valera Gómez | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaSEV | Spanish Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua (1569) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaTDP | Spanish Traducción de dominio público (Mateo a Romanos) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SpaVNT | Spanish 1858 Reina Valera New Testament | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Est | Estonian Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ETR | Ruth, Matthew, Mark, Acts, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and John's Letters in the Edolo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BasHautin | 1571 Navarro-Labourdin Basque NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FarsiOPV | Persian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FAA | The New Testament in the Fasu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FAI | The New Testament in the Faiwol Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FinBiblia | Finnish Biblia (1776) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FinPR | Finnish Pyhä Raamattu (1933/1938) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FinSTLK2017 | Pyhä Raamattu (STLK 2017) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FOR | The New Testament in the Fore Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FreBBB | French Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreBDM1744 | Bible David Martin (1744) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreBDS | La Bible du Semeur 2015 (BDS) Biblica in French | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreCrampon | La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreGeneve1669 | Le Nouveau Testament de la Bible de Genève de 1669 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreJND | Bible J.N. Darby in French with Strong's numbers | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreKhan | La Bible de Zadoc Khan | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreLSG | French Louis Segond avec Strongs (1910) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreLXX | Traduction de la LXX par Pierre GIGUET et autres traducteurs, 1872. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreMartin | French Bible Martin (1744) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreOltramare1874 | Le Nouveau Testament Version Oltramare 1874 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FrePGR | Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreSeg21 | Segond 21 (La Bible Segond 21) (Seg21) in French TH'Jan-20. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreSegond | French Traduction de Louis Segond (1910) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreStapfer1889 | Le Nouveau Testament traduction de Stapfer - 1889 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreSynodale1921 | Le Nouveau Testament Version Synodale 1921 et le livre des Psaumes | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreVulgGlaire | French Vulgate Glaire | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ FreAug | Commentaires de la Bible par Saint Augustin | Commentaries |
ⓘ FreChry | Commentaires de la Bible par Saint Jean Chrysostome | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IriODomhnuill | A modern Irish New Testament (Luke preview) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GAH | The New Testament in the Alekano (Gahuku) Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GAM | Portions of the New Testament in the Kandawo language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GAW | The New Testament in the Nobonob Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GbrGAW | Gbagyi New Testament (GAW) / Alkawali Woiwoyi Biblica 1997 NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ScotsGaelic | Scottish Gaelic Gospel of Mark | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GDN | The New Testament in the Umanakaina Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GDR | The New Testament in the Wipi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GekSC | Ywom NT Portions Luke (GEK) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Geez | Ge’ez Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GFK | The New Testament in the Patpatar Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GHS | The New Testament in the Guhu-Samane Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Wulfila | Bishop Wulfila Gothic Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ABGk | Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text (abpgrk) adapted by Tyndale House | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Ant | Antoniades Patriarchal Edition (1904/1912) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Byz | The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2013 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Elz | Elzevir Textus Receptus (1624) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ f35 | Family 35 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ LXX | Septuagint, Morphologically Tagged Rahlfs' | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Nestle | Nestle GNT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SBLG | The Greek New Testament: SBLGNT with upgraded notes. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SRGNT | Statistical Restoration Greek New Testament 2022 (SRGNT) Center for New Testament Restoration / Statistical Restoration Greek New Testament NT in Ancient Greek to 1453 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ THGNT | Tyndale House Greek New Testament, 2017. Based on the earliest manuscripts and scribal habits. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Tisch | Tischendorf's 8th edition GNT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TNT | Tregelles' Greek New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TR | Textus Receptus (1550/1894) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WHNU | Westcott and Hort with NA27/UBS4 variants | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SBLGNTApp | The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition, Apparatus | Commentaries |
ⓘ VarApp | NT Manuscript Variant Apparatus | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ GujULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Gujarati TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ManxGaelic | Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GVF | The New Testament in the Golin Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ GyzSC | Geji New Testament (GYZ) / Geji New Testament Portions SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Gyaazi | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HauSRK | Hausa Contemporary New Testament 2009 (HCB) / Sabon Rai Don Kowa Biblica NT | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ HauULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Hausa TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Alep | Aleppo Codex | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ MapM | מקרא על פי המסורה (Miqra `al pi ha-Mesorah) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ OHB | Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SP | Samaritan Pentateuch | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SPDS | Dead Sea Scrolls variants parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SPMT | Masoretic Text parallel to the Samaritan Pentateuch | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SPVar | Samaritan Pentateuch with variant readings | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ THOT | Translators Hebrew Old Testament, 2019 with KQ variants OT (Mar'21) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WLC | Westminster Leningrad Codex | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HebDelitzsch | Hebrew New Testament with Niqqud, based on Delitzsch's translation | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HebHD | Habrit Hakhadasha/Haderekh “The Way” (Hebrew Living NT) 2009 (HD) / הדרך Biblica NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HebHLNT | Habrit Hakhadasha/Haderekh “The Way” (Hebrew Living NT) (הברית החדשה/הדרך Habrit Hakhadasha/Haderekh) (HLNT) NT Dec'2020 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HinHSS | Hindi Contemporary Version 2019 (HCV) / हिंदी समकालीन संस्करण Biblica | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ HinULB | Hindi Unlocked Literal Bible Apr'22 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HilAPD | Hiligaynon Contemporary Bible 2022 (APD) / Ang Pulong Sang Dios Biblica | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HLA | The New Testament in the Halia Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HMO | The Holy Bible in the Hiri Motu language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ HnaULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gal,Phm,Php) in Mina (Cameroon) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HneNNC | New Chhattisghari Translation (Nawan Chhattisgarhi Anuwad) 2016 (NCT) / पबितर बाईबल नवां नियम Biblica NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HOT | The New Testament in the Malei-Hote Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ CroSaric | Hrvatska Biblija Ivana Šarića | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HrvCB | Croatian Bible (BIBLIJA) 1988 (CB) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HrvKOK | Knjiga O Kristu (The Book of Christ) (KOK) Biblica 2000 NT in Croatian [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ FreCrl | French Haitian Creole Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Haitian | Haitian Creole Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HunIMIT | Az Izraelita-Magyar Irodalmi Társaság (IMIT) Bibliája (zsidó) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HunKAR | Hungarian Karoli Translation (KAR) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ HunKar | Revideált Károli Biblia 1908 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HUI | The Holy Bible with Deuterocanon in the Huli Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ HwoSC | Hona Bible (HWO) SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Hwana | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ArmEastern | Eastern Armenian Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ArmWestern | 1853 Western Armenian NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IAN | The New Testament in the Iatmul Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IndFAYH | Indonesian Living Bible (Firman Allah yang Hidup) 2020, New Testament (ILB) Biblica NT | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ IndULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Indonesian TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IboBIU | Igbo Contemporary Bible 2020 (ICB) / Baịbụlụ Nsọ nʼIgbo Ndị Ugbu a Biblica | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IkoSC | Nkome LP NT Portions (IKO) SCO 2022 Luk only in Olulumo-Ikom | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ IloULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT+OT(incomplete) in Iloko TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IMO | The New Testament in the Imbo Ungu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ INO | The New Testament in the Inoke-Yate Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IOU | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Tuma-Irumu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IPI | The New Testament in the Ipili Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Icelandic | Icelandic Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ItaDio | Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia 1649 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ItaPEV | La Parola è Vita (PEV) Biblica 1994 NT in Italian | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ItaRive | Italian Riveduta Bibbia (1927) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ IWS | The New Testament in the Sepik Iwam Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ JapBungo | 明治元訳「舊約聖書」(1953年版) 大正改訳「新約聖書 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JapDenmo | Japanese Denmo 電網聖書 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JapKougo | Japanese Kougo-yaku 口語訳「聖書」(1954/1955年版) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JapLifeline | Lifeline Japanese New Testament ライフライン訳新約聖書(2013年) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JapRaguet | Japanese Raguet-yaku ラゲ訳「我主イエズスキリストの新約聖書」(1910年版) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ JpnJCB | Japanese Contemporary Bible (リビングバイブル) Biblica 2016 Feb'23 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ JAE | The Holy Bible in the Yabem language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ JerSC | Azelle New Testament Portions (JER) SCO 2022 Luk only in Jere | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ JgkSC | Jarawa (JGK) SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Gwak | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ KanULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Kannada TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KBM | The New Testament in the Iwal Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KEW | Portions of Genesis, Ruth, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and The New Testament in the West Kewa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KGF | The New Testament and Psalms in the Kube Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KhmKCB | Khmer Christian Bible (KCB) NT in Central Khmer, Khmer TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KHZ | The New Testament in the Kalo Dialect of the Keapara Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KikGKY | Kiugo Gĩtheru Kĩa Ngai (The Holy Word of God) (KGN) Biblica 2013 in Gikuyu, Kikuyu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KjiSC | Zabana Full Bible (kji) / Ia Foforuna Naiungene SCO 2022 NT only in Kanaba | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KJS | The New Testament in the East Kewa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KKC | Portions of the New Testament in the Odoodee language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KLV | The New Testament in the Maskelynes language of Uluveu, Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ MASKELYNES | The New Testament in the Maskelynes language of Uluveu, Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KMG | The New Testament in the Kâte language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KMH | The New Testament in the Kalam Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KMHM | The New Testament in the Minimib dialect of the Kalam language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KMO | The New Testament in the Washkuk Language, also known as the Kwoma Language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KMS | The New Testament in the Kamasau Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KMU | The New Testament in the Kanite Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KNVARAMIA | The New Testament in the Tabo Language, Aramia Dialect, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KNVFLY_RIVER | The New Testament in the Fly River dialect of the Tabo language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KorHKJV | Hangul King James Version | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KorKLB | Korean Living Bible (현대인의 성경) 1985 (KLB) Biblica | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KorRV | 개역성경 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KoqSC | Kota Kiwoyeti (koq) NT Portions (KOQ) SCO Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ KpbULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gal,Phm,Php) in Mullu Kurumba TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KPF | The New Testament in the Komba Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KPG | The New Testament in the Kapingamarangi language of the Federated States of Micronesia, spoken on the Kapingamarangi and Ponape islands, Caroline Islands | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ KpoULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gal,Php) in Ikposo TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KPR | The New Testament in the Korafe-Yegha Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KPW | The New Testament in the Kobon Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KPX | The New Testament in the Mountain Koiali Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KQC | Portions of the Holy Bible in the Doromu-Koki Language of Papua New Guinea (Ruth, Mark, Luke, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Titus, Philemon, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KQF | The Gospel According to Mark in the Kakabai language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KQW | Portions of the New Testament in the Kandas Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KSD | The Holy Bible in the Kuanua language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KSR | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Borong Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KTO | The New Testament in the Kuot Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KUD | The New Testament in the 'Auhelawa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KUE | The New Testament in the Kuman Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KUP | The New Testament in the Kunimaipa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KvySC | Yintale New Testament (KVY) / ꤜꤟꤣꤧ꤬ꤡꤢꤦꤚꤟꤤ꤬ ꤢ꤬ꤞꤢ꤬ SCO Gen, Psa only + NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KWJ | The New Testament in the Kwanga Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KxfSCKRC | Kawyaw RC (KRC) SCO Gen, Psa only + NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ KxfSCKXF | Kawyaw New Testament (KXF) SCO Gen, Psa only + NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KYC | The Shorter Bible (New Testament and selected portions of the Old Testament) in the Kyaka Enga language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KYG | The New Testament and Portions of the Old Testament in the Keyagana Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ KZE | The New Testament in the Kosena Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ VulgJ | Latin Vulgate | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Vulgate_HebPs | Latin Vulgate Psalms from Hebrew | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ VulgCT | Clementine Vulgate | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ VulgCC | Vulgata Clementina, Conte editore | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ VulgCH | Vulgata Clementina, Hetzenauer editore | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ VulgS | Vulgata Sistina | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ VulgGlossa | Glossa ordinaria, ed. Migne | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ LasULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gal,Phm,Mrk,Php) in Lama (Togo) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LBB | The Gospel According to Mark in the Label language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LCM | Genesis, Ruth, Jonah, and The New Testament in the Tungag Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LEU | The New Testament in the Kara Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LugEEEE | Luganda Contemporary Bible (LCB) / Endagaano Enkadde n'Endagaano Empya Biblica 2014 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LID | Genesis, Ruth, Jonah, and The New Testament in the Nyndrou Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LlaSC | Lala (LLA) / Lala NT SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Lala-Roba | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ LinMNB | Lingala New Testament and Psalms (Mokanda na Bomoi) (MNB) Biblica 2002 Psa + NT [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ LpxULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Luk) in Lopit TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Latvian | Latvian New Testament | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ LvGluck8 | Latvian Glück 8th edition | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ChiUnL | 聖經 (文理和合) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ MarULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Marathi TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MBH | The New Testament in the Mangseng Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MCQ | The New Testament in the Ese Language, also known as the Managalasi Language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MdtSC | Obamba Kiwoyeti (mdt) NT Portions (MDT) SCO Luk only in Mbere | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MED | The New Testament in the Melpa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MEE | The New Testament in the Mengen Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MEK | The New Testament in the Mekeo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MEU | The Holy Bible in the Motu language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MfnSC | Ofonokpan LP NT Portions (mfn) SCO 2022 Luk only in Mbembe, Cross River | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Mg1865 | Baiboly Malagasy (1865) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MgjSC | Abureni NT Portions (MGJ) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MHL | The New Testament in the Mauwake Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MhoSC | Kwamashi (MHO) SCO 2023 Luk, Act only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Maori | Maori Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MkfSC | Miyawa (MKF) SCO 2023 Mrk only in Vune mi | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MalMCV | Malayalam Contemporary Version 2020 (MCV) / സമകാലിക മലയാളവിവർത്തനം Biblica | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ MalSC | Malayalam Bible 1910 - Revised and in Contemporary Orthography (MAL) / മലയാളം സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം 1910 - പരിഷ്കരിച്ച പതിപ്പ് WBT | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ MalULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Malayalam TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Mal1910 | Sathyavedapusthakam (Malayalam Bible) published in 1910 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MLH | The New Testament in the Mape Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MLP | The New Testament in the Bargam Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MMO | The New Testament in the Buang, Mangga Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MMX | The New Testament and Psalms in the Madak Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MNA | Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, Psalms, Proverbs, Jonah, and The New Testament in the Mbula Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MOX | The New Testament in the Molima Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MPP | Portions of the Bible in the Migabac language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MPS | The Holy Bible in the Dadibi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MPT | The New Testament in the Mian Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MPX | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Misima Paneati Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MSY | The New Testament in the Aruamu language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MTI | The New Testament in the Maiwa language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MUX | The New Testament in the Mara-Gomu dialect of the Bo-Ung Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MVA | The New Testament in the Manam Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MWC | The Gospel of Luke in the Are Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ BurJudson | 1835 Judson Burmese Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MYW | The New Testament in the Muyuw Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ MZZ | The Gospel of Mark in the Maiadomu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NAF | The New Testament in the Nabak Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NAK | The New Testament in the Nakanai Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NAS | The New Testament in the Naasioi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NobELB | Norwegian Living Bible (NLB) / En Levende Bok Biblica 2005 NT only in Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Norsk | Bibelen på Norsk (1930) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NBQ | Portions of the New Testament in the Nggem language of the Papua Province of Indonesia | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NCA | The New Testament in the Iyo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Ndebele | Ndebele Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NdeBEN | Ndebele Contemporary Bible 2022 (NCB) Biblica in North Ndebele | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NdeIBE | Ndebele Standard Bible (IBhayibhili Elingcwele) (IBE) Biblica 2006 in North Ndebele [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NddSC | Nde-Nsele-Nta LP NT Portions (NDD) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ NepULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Nepali (macrolanguage) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NHR | The New Testament in the Naro language of Botswana | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NIF | Matthew, Mark, Luk, and John in the Nek Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NII | The New Testament in the Nii Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ DutSVV | Dutch Statenvertaling Bijbel | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DutSVVA | De ganse Heilige Schrift bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, met de apocriefe (deuterocanonieke) boeken | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NlCanisius1939 | Petrus Canisius Translation | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ NldHTB | Het Boek (The Book) (HTB) Biblica 2007 in Dutch, Flemish [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ DutKant | Kanttekeningen Statenvertaling | Commentaries |
ⓘ DutKingComments | Kingcomments-NL, Commentaar op de hele Bijbel. | Commentaries |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NorSMB | Studentmållagsbibelen frå 1921 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NOP | Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and the New Testament in the Numanggang Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NOU | The New Testament in the Ewage-Notu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NpiNCV | Nepali Contemporary Version 2024, Holy Bible (NCV) / पवित्र बाइबल | Biblica | Bhutan, India, Nepal. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NSN | The New Testament in the Nehan Language of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NSS | Genesis and Mark in the Nali Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NVM | The New Testament in the Namiai Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NWI | The New Testament in the Southwest Tanna Language of Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NyaCCL | The Word of God in Contemporary Chichewa (Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero) (CCL) Biblica 2016 in Chewa, Chichewa, Nyanja | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ NzbSC | Yinzebi NT Kiwoyeti (nzb) NT Portion (NZB) SCO Luk only in Njebi | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ OfuSC | Efutop LP New Testament Portions (ofu) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ OKV | The New Testament in the Etija dialect of the Orokaiva Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ OMW | The New Testament in the Omwunra-Toqura (South Tairora) Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ OMWA | John and Mark in the Aatasara dialect of the South Tairora language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ OMWV | Portions of the New Testament in the Veqaura (Meauna) dialect of the Omwunra-Toqura (South Tairora) language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ONG | The New Testament in the Olo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ OPM | The New Testament in the Oksapmin Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ OriULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Oriya (macrolanguage) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ PanULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Panjabi, Punjabi TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PesPCB | Persian Contemporary Bible (PCB) (کتاب مقدس، ترجمۀ معاصر) (FCB) Biblica 2018 in Iranian Persian [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PesOV | Persian Holy Bible (Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem) 1896 Old Version (OV) in Iranian Persian Apr'21 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PolGdanska | Polish Biblia Gdanska (1881) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PolPSZ | Polish Living New Testament (PSZ) / Słowo Życia Biblica 2016 NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PolUGdanska | Updated Gdańsk Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PljSC | Zul (PLJ) SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Polci | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ PltULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Plateau Malagasy TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PMA | Portions of the Holy Bible in the Paama Language of Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PohnOld | Old Public Domain Pohnpeian Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PON | The New Testament and Psalms in the Pohnpeian language of the Federated States of Micronesia (old translation, using old alphabet) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PON2006 | The Holy Bible in the Pohnpeian language of the Federated States of Micronesia | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PON2006A | The Holy Bible in the Pohnpeian language of the Federated States of Micronesia | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PON2006Z | The Holy Bible in the Pohnpeian language of the Federated States of Micronesia | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PONPDN | The New Testament and Psalms in the Pohnpeian language of the Federated States of Micronesia (old translation, but with new alphabet) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PotLykins | 1833 Potawatomi Matthew and Acts | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Uma | Uma New Testament | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PPO | The New Testament in the Folopa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PorNVI | Nova Versão Internacional (PNVI) (Brazilian Portuguese) - Biblica 2018 Update (NVI) 2011 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorAlmeida1911 | De 1911 Biblia Sagrada Traduzida em Portuguez Por João Ferreeira D'Almeida | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorAR | Bíblia Almeida Recebida (AR) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorBLivre | Bíblia Livre | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorBLivreTR | Bíblia Livre - Textus Receptus | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorNVA | Bíblia Nova Versão de Acesso Livre | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ PorTB | Tradução Brasileira da Bíblia | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PTP | The New Testament in the Patep Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PTU | The New Testament and Genesis in the Bambam language of Indonesia | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PWG | The New Testament in the Gapapaiwa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ PymSC | PYAM NT Portions (PYM) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RAI | The New Testament in the Ramoaaina Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Calo | El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romaní, ó dialecto de los Gitanos de España | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RmzSC | Marma (RMZ) WBT 2023 NT only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RonNTR | New Romanian Translation 2021 (NTR) / Noua TraduNoua Traducere Româneascăcere Românească Biblica | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RomCor | Romanian Cornilescu Version | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ROO | The New Testament in the Rotokas Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RRO | The New Testament in the Waima Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RusNRT | New Russian Translation (Новый русский перевод) (NRT) Biblica 2014 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RusCARS | Central Asian Russian Scriptures (Священное Писание, Восточный перевод) (CARS) Biblica 2013 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RusCARSA | Central Asian Russian Scriptures (TAZI) (Священное Писание, Восточный перевод, версия с «Аллахом») (CARSA) Biblica 2013 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RusCARST | Central Asian Russian Scriptures, for Tajikistan (Восточный перевод, версия для Таджикистана) (CARST) Biblica 2013 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RusMakarij | The Pentateuch of Moses in Russian | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RusSynodal | Синодального Перевода Библии | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ RWOKARO | The New Testament in the Karo Dialect of the Rawa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ RWORAWA | The New Testament in the Rawa Dialect of the Rawa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SBE | Matthew and Mark in the Saliba language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SerDKE | Danicic Karadzic Bible (DKE) in Serrano TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SGZ | The New Testament in the Sursurunga Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SIM | The New Testament in the Mende Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SloChraska | Sveto pismo Starega in Novega zakona (1925) – SloChraska | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SloKJV | Slovenian translation of Holy Bible King James Version (1769) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SloOjacano | Ojačano Sveto pismo (Ps + Gal) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SloStritar | Novi testament in Psalmi Davidovi Josipa Stritarja (1882) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SlvZNZ | Slovenian Living New Testament (ZB) / Živa Nova zaveza Biblica 2014 NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SLL | The New Testament in the Salt-Yui Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ sml_BL_2008 | Kitab Awal-Jaman maka Kitab Injil | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Shona | Shona Bible | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SnaBDSC | Shona Contemporary Bible (SCB) / Bhaibheri Dzvene MuChiShona Chanhasi Biblica 2018 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SNC | The New Testament in the Sinaugoro Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SNP | The New Testament in the Komongu dialect of the Siane Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SNPLAMBAU | The New Testament in the Lambau Dialect of the Siane Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SnqSC | Isangu Kiwoyeti (snq) (SNQ) SCO Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SNY | The New Testament in the Saniyo-Hiyewe Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SOQ | The New Testament in the Kanasi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SPL | The New Testament in the Selepet Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SPS | Genesis, Joshua, and The New Testament in the Saposa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Alb | Albanian Bible | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SrKDEkavski | Serbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ekavski | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SrKDIjekav | Serbian Bible Daničić-Karadžić Ijekavski | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SSD | Portions of the Old Testament and The New Testament in the Siroi Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SSG | The New Testament in the Seimat language, The Ninigo Islands, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SSX | The New Testament and Genesis in the Sembeleke Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SUA | The New Testament in the Sulka Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SUE | The New Testament in the Suena Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SuqSC | Suri Latin (SUQ) WBT 2023 Gen, Jon only + NT (partial) in Tirmaga-Chai Suri | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Swe1917 | Swedish Bible (1917) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SweKarlXII | Svenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1703) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SweKarlXII1873 | Svenska Karl XII:s Bibel (1873) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SweNUB | nuBibeln (Swedish Contemporary Bible) (NUB) Biblica 2015 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Swahili | Swahili New Testament | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ SwaULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) NT in Swahili (macrolanguage) TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SwhNEN | Kiswahili Contemporary Version 2015 (NEN) / Neno: Biblia Takatifu Biblica | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ SwhKC | Kiswahili Contemporary Scriptures (Neno: Maandiko Matakatifu) (KC) Biblica 2018 in Kiswahili, Swahili (individual language) [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SwjSC | Gisir Kiwoyeti (swj) (SWJ) / Gisir Kiwoyeti (swj) NT Portions SCO Luk only in Sira | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ SWP | Genesis, Joshua, Psalms, and The New Testament in the Suau language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Pesh | Syriac Peshitta | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ TamULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Tamil TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TBC | The New Testament in the Takia Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TBG | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the North Tairora Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TBGA | Genesis and the Gospels in the Arau dialect of the North Tairora language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TBO | The New Testament in the Tawala language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ TelULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Telugu TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TGG | Portions of the New Testament in the Tangga Language, also known as the Fanamaket language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TGP | The New Testament in the Tangoa Language of Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ThaTNCV | Thai New Contemporary Version 2007 (TNCV) / พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ไทย ฉบับอมตธรรมร่วมสมัย Biblica | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TIM | The New Testament in the Timbe Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Tagalog | Tagalog (John & James) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TagAngBiblia | Philippine Bible Society (1905) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TglASD | Tagalog Contemporary Bible (Ang Salita ng Dios) (TCB) Biblica 2015 | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ TglULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Tagalog TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TLF | The New Testament in the Telefol Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TmfSC | Nuevo Testamento Toba Maskoy (TMF) SCO 2023 NT (partial) in Toba-Maskoy | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TsnLEF | The Word: Living Tswana New Testament (Lefoko: La Botshelo Kgolagano e Ntsha) (LEF) Biblica 1993 NT [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TNK | The New Testament in the Kwamera (Nəfe) language of Southeast Tanna, TAFEA Province, Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TNN | The New Testament in the North Tanna Language of Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TPA | The Gospel of Mark in the Taupota Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TPI | The Holy Bible in the Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin) Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TpiKJPB | King Jems Pisin Baibel | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TpjSC | NandevaBiblia (TPJ) SCO 2023 NT only in Ñandeva | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TPZ | The New Testament in the Vasui (Tinputz) Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Tausug | Tausug Kitab Injil | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TTE | The New Testament in the Tubetube language, also known as the Bwanabwana language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TUCO | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Oov Dialect of the Saveeng language of Papua New Guinea. The Saveeng language is also called Mutu or Mutu-Tuam. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TUCT | The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Tuam dialect of the Saveeng language of Papua New Guinea. The Saveeng language is also called the Mutu language. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TVK | Portions of the Holy Bible in the Southeast Ambrym Language of Vanuatu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TwiAKNA | Akuapem Twi Contemporary Bible (Akuapem Twi Nkwa Asɛm) (AKNA) Biblica 2020 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ TwiNAK | Akuapem Twi Contemporary Version NT and Psalms (NAAK) / Nkwa Asɛm Biblica 2000 Psa + NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ TyySC | Boi (Tiyaa) NT Portions (TYY) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ UBR | The New Testament and Genesis in the Ubir Language of Papaua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ UBUANDELALE | The New Testament in the Andelale Dialect of the Umbu-Ungu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UBUKALA | The New Testament in the Kala Dialect of the Umbu-Ungu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UBUNOPENGE | The New Testament in the No Penge Dialect of the Umbu-Ungu Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ Ukrainian | Українська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка. | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UkrKulish | Новий Завіт. Переклад П. Куліша (1871) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UkrNPU | Biblica® Open New Ukrainian Translation 2022 (New Testament and Psalms) (ONPU) / Бібліка ® Відкрита Новий Переклад Українською Biblica Psa only + NT | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ UkrOgienko | Українська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ UrdULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) in Urdu TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ USA | Genesis 12-22 and The New Testament in the Usarufa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ UVL | The New Testament in the Lote Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ VieKTHD | Vietnamese Contemporary Bible (Kinh Thánh Hiện Đại) (KTHD) Biblica 2015 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ Viet | Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt (1934) | Biblical Texts |
CC BY-SA 4.0'>ⓘ VieULB | Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) OT(Gen,1Ch,2Ch)+NT in Vietnamese TH'Mar-19. | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ VIV | The New Testament in the Iduna Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ vlsJoNT | Het Nieuwe Testament by Nicolaas De Jonge | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WAJ | The New Testament in the Waffa Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WED | The Gospel of Mark in the Wedau Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ WEDTOPURA | The Gospel of Mark in the Topura dialect of the Wedau Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WER | The New Testament in the Weri Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WIU | The New Testament in the Witu Language (also known as the Wiru Language) of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WjiSC | Warji (WJI) SCO 2023 Mrk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WNC | The New Testament and Psalms in the Wantoat Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WNU | New Testament in the Usan Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WOS | The New Testament and Jonah in the Hanga Hundi language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WRS | Genesis, Ruth, Jonah, and The New Testament in the Waris Language, also called the Walsa Language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WSK | Genesis, Portions of Psalms, Proverbs, and The New Testament in the Waskia Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WumSC | Wumbu Kiwoyeti (wum) NT Portions (WUM) SCO Luk only in Wumbvu | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ WUV | The New Testament in the Wuvalu-Aua Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ XBIW | Selected Scripture Portions in the Wampukuamp Dialect of the Kombio Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ XBIY | Selected Scriptures in the Yanimoi Dialect of the Kombio Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ XLA | Genesis, Exodus, Jonah, and the New Testament in the Kamula language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ XSI | The New Testament and Psalms in the Sio Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ XsnSC | Sanga Language Project NT Portions (XSN) SCO 2022 Luk only | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ XteSC | Ketengban Bible NT OTX (XTE) SCO 2022 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YBY | The New Testament in the Yaweyuha Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YLE | The New Testament in the Rossel Language, also called the Yele Language, of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YML | The New Testament in the Iamalele Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YorBMYO | Yoruba Contemporary Bible (Bíbélì Mímọ́ ní Èdè Yorùbá Òde-Òní) (BYO) Biblica 2017 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YomNWM | Kiyombe Contemporary Version, New Testament and Psalms (NWM) / Nkanda Wu Moyo Biblica 2002 Psa + NT | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YON | Genesis, Psalms, and The New Testament in the Yongkom Language (also called the Yonggom language) of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YRB | The New Testament in the Yareba Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YSSYAMANO | The New Testament in the Yamano Dialect of the Yessan-Mayo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ YSSYAWU | The New Testament in the Yawu Dialect of the Yessan-Mayo Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YUJ | The New Testament in the Karkar-Yuri Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YUT | The New Testament in the Yopno Language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ YUW | The New Testament in the Yau language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ChiCCB | Chinese Contemporary Bible (圣经当代译本修订版) (CCB) Biblica 2011 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ChiCCBT | Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional Script) (聖經當代譯本修訂版) (CCBT) Biblica 2012 [Jan'2021] | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ChiNCVs | New Chinese Version Simplified | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ChiNCVt | New Chinese Version Traditional | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ ChiSB | 思高本 (Sīgāo Běn), 聖經:思高聖經學會譯釋 | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CUn | 和合本 (繁體字) | Biblical Texts |
ⓘ CUns | 和合本 (简体字) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ZIA | The New Testament in the Zia language of Papua New Guinea | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ZmbSC | Zimba Nouveau Testament Portions (ZMB) SCO 2022 NT (partial) | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |
ⓘ ZomZIV | The Holy Bible, Zokam International Version. 2014 Jun'23 | Biblical Texts |
Abbreviation | Name | Category |